The Cima area of Milan on Vespa: 1915 Largo Donegani

When CIMA was founded in 1915 at the start of the Great War, Milan had just finished a urbanisation process initiated by the annexation of Corpi Santi in 1873 and the construction of Grande Milano. From then on, Milan experienced unstoppable demographic growth, counting a population of just over 700,000 inhabitants in the official census of 1911.

The constant industrial growth of the city thrust Milan centre stage onto the Italian political and economic scene, and in 1915 Milan became the centre of debate between the voices for intervention and neutrality that would lead to Italy’s entrance into the war in May 1915.

The Compagnia Italiana Magneti Americani was founded in Largo Donegani, which is now a very central location, but was then still on the borders between historic and industrial Milan. Its buisness was to offer assistance and maintenece to the vehicles of the American expeditionary forces used in the First World War.

In today’s Milan the American Consulate looks out over Largo Donegani and important radio stations such as Radio 105, Radio Montecarlo and Virgin Radio have their headquarters here. The actual site that housed Cima is now a branch of the Unicredit bank.