Little Motor Wheels Grow Up

Recent upgrades and the implementation of more and more advanced production lines (click here) have given great impulse to CIMA1915 to further increase its flexibility and production capacity. This turns out to be an opportunity that many companies are ready to take, especially those developing handling and automation machinery with larger dimension.
Actually it has recently happened that a multinational company contacted CIMA1915 to develop a new line of Motor wheels capable of integrating compact dimensions with power, high load capacity, power steering and reliability.
This gave birth to the new G2190, an XXL Motor Wheel. Beyond showing our Motors' most classical characteristics, this Motor Wheel condenses in itself some solutions that allow us to be main players in the AGV market:
• Wheel diameter up to 350 mm. and coating that reduces friction losses
• Carrying structure that can support up to 2000 kg on its axis
• Motor for asynchronous traction
• Motor for upgraded power steering
• Designed for various types of encoder both on the engine and the steering unit including the redundant solution for maximum safety
In a certain way G2190 has turned out to be a real challenge. The purchasing company required to reduce its sizes, without sacrificing heavy loads and powerful performance.
Our solution of a dual-axis combination, with the power steering motor rotated perpendicularly to the rotation axis, has allowed not only to lower the machine's centre of gravity but also to increase the design efficiency, obtaining a perfect balance of the suspended parts, to the advantage of an increased overall efficiency.