The importance of electric motors in the cattle breeding

CIMA's motors are versatile and durable. They ensure safe and reliable performances, for these reasons they are suitable to be used in various fields, from agriculture and the food sector up to the different industrial branches. 
In recent years among those sectors, in large expansion and in continuous organizational and technological evolution, at least agriculture and livestock farming need to be mentioned, also because they represent areas of great international interests, which aim at large-scale intensive productions that are both profitable and environmentally sustainable.
And it is exactly in the cattle breeding that recent changes highlight where the latest generation of machines and robots has been driven.
Indeed automation in dairy cattle breeding is giving a big contribution to some of the most crucial operations in the stalls' management, with proposals of solutions which offer higher levels of work organization and improvements in the cattle's wellness, from which derive quality and quantity of milk production.  
The automation in the distribution of the cattle's food ration is certainly the most surprising goal achieved in recent years, but it is not only the result of the request to reduce the physical labor of man, but also the need to improve the level of productivity of animals, maintaining their health and ensuring balanced nutritional values.
The administration of the food ration with robots or automated dispensing belts is now proposed by the market with more or less sophisticated solutions, which aim at dispensing food many more times within the daily 24 hours, at reduced labor of the personnel engaged. A cow in good health usually goes to the manger 8 to 14 times a day. A balanced distribution of the meals during the day allows to keep the food fresh and healthy and consequently to protect the cows' health.
We should remember that it is possible to act on several factors in order to maximize the intake of dry matter, the most important ones are related to food and stalls' management. An excessive quantity of food distributed in the manger may cause overheating and therefore nutritional damages. Cows become overly inactive after feeding if the amount of food or the composition of the ration is not optimal. In order to avoid this issue, which could affect  acidosis and milk quality, it is necessary to prepare balanced rations and provide the correct number of meals a day. This implies that the support of mechanical vehicles and robots becomes crucial, because it guarantees the cows a proportionate and constant supply of nutrition. Among the increasingly frequent practices adopted for improving the feeding phase of livestock, one is particularly interesting and apparently more difficult to replicate through a robot, it is the natural movement of the head that bovines repeat while eating. Actually a strategy that is being introduced to further refine the process is to use robots that not only bring the hay closer to the manger, but they also raise it with close frequency, turning it, just as cattle naturally are inclined to do, precisely stirring the feed with a movement of the neck from the bottom to the top. This simple movement of the animal is quite relevant, since the mixture seems to be more appetizing when refreshed. Consequently this allows the cow to appreciate and maximize the intake of dry food. Dairy cows are individually identified and fed with appropriate rations by complex machines equipped with powerful electric motors and electronically guided.
As regards the milking of large dairy herds, too, there has been a shift to mechanically supported activities, also in this case electric motors are playing a crucial role for the management of the electric pumps. The milked milk passes directly from the cow into refrigerated bulk milk tanks and is ready for immediate shipment.
What about "animal wellness?" This is one of the latest frontiers of the "green concept": equipping the stalls with a "SPA resort" for animals, provided with large electric brushes. This new practice is not simply a sanitizing massage, but it is perceived by the animals as a very welcome playful break, and among other things, it configures important social dynamics inside the "happy herd".
Daily brushing helps to maintain a high standards of animal hygiene and stimulates the natural dissipation of body heat while removing dirt and parasites from the animals' skin.
Many people may think this is too excessive attention, but what nature teaches us is also confirmed by scientific research, which has shown that regular brushing of the cows has a positive effect on the animals' wellness, on milk production, as well as on the quality of the meat produced.
To perform their beneficial function of sanitizing and massaging, these enormous electric brushes are necessarily equipped with robust and powerful motors, able to withstand really amazing force stresses. And here we are at the last, but no less crucial, link in the chain "the elimination of animal waste and manure". Even in this delicate field, motors play a decisive role in ensuring the cleanliness and hygiene of the stalls. Several companies are recently proposing complex electrical machinery and efficient high-pressure cleaners for disinfection and sanitization of environments dedicated to livestock, supporting operators to lighten their workload and maximize health protection results, either for the animals and the farm staff.
These machines are increasingly improving in their performances, equipped with powerful engines, suitable to aspirate and at the same time sanitize surfaces.
At this crucial stage of technological evolution and great challenge for a more "green" future, CIMA is side by side with companies operating in the livestock farming, offering all its know-how for the production of the most suitable engines for different solutions.